Could The Seal On Your Refrigerator Be Causing Problems?

Posted on: 6 May 2015

The rubber seal around your refrigerator and freezer doors must be in good condition and properly maintained to prevent the issues that could occur if they fail. Read this article to learn more. 

What problems can a failing seal cause?

That seal is meant to create an air-tight closure to prevent the cool air from leaking out of the refrigerator and freezer. If the seal goes bad, the temperature will not remain at a consistent and healthy level.

Another problem that can occur when a seal is not in the best condition is that the unit will continue to run much longer and more often than it should. This puts extra strain on the unit, reduces the life of the unit and costs you a lot more in electrical usage each month.

Lastly, one very noticeable problem is the odor that can be caused by a seal that is not maintained or in failing condition. Mold, mildew and old food can become entrapped in the seal and eventually produce an odor that can be ghastly.

How do you check the door seals?

The first thing to do is visually inspect the door seal. Use your hands to gently open the creases in the door seal. As you open them, look for mold, mildew and food that may be stuck. Also, check for cracks in the seal.

Next, open the refrigerator door and place a sheet of paper or a dollar bill in the door so that it sticks out enough for you to hold onto it. Close the refrigerator door and tug on the bill or paper. If the bill or paper come out with little effort, the seal is not creating the air-tight seal that you want. Repeat this test in several areas around the door to check the entire seal.

How do you fix a bad seal?

First, you need to order a replacement seal. Contact your local appliance parts supply store and provide them with your model and serial number. They can then order you a replacement seal that will fit the unit perfectly.

Before you remove the old seal, hold the new seal up against the door to ensure that it will fit.

Lift the seal gently to find the screws hidden underneath and loosen them. You don't have to remove the screws, rather they just need to be loosened to remove the seal from behind the plastic liner on the door. Be very gentle, especially if your refrigerator is older, because the plastic can be brittle and may break.

Now, clean the area where the old seal was and let it dry. Once dry, begin putting the new seal in place in a reverse manner to how you removed the old one. Once in place, tighten the screws and test the seal using the above methods.

If your seal is bad and you are unable to replace it yourself, contact your local appliance repair technician from a company like Collier County Appliance Service, Inc. for assistance.
